A Sister From Another Mother,

My Best Friend True

1 min readAug 30, 2023
Photo by Walter Randlehoff on Unsplash

In the tapestry of life, a thread so rare,

A friend like a sister, beyond compare,

From a different mother, yet heart’s delight,

Together we’ve journeyed, through day and night.

A bond that’s forged, not by blood or birth,

But by shared moments of endless mirth,

You’re more than a friend, you’re family to me,

A sister from another mother, eternally.

Through laughter and tears, we’ve stood side by side,

In every storm and every tide,

You’ve been my rock, my guiding light,

Through the darkest hours and the brightest night.

In your embrace, I’ve found solace and care,

A sisterly love that’s always there,

From secrets shared to dreams pursued,

In you, I’ve found a sister so true.

We paint our memories with laughter and glee,

Creating a bond that forever will be,

A sister from another mother, my confidante,

Through thick and thin, in every circumstance.

So here’s to the moments we’ve laughed and cried,

To the journeys we’ve taken side by side,

A sister from another mother, my heart’s twin,

Forever connected, an unbreakable kin.




Writer and mother. If you like my work feel free to buy me a coffee here https://ko-fi.com/siara